
Like all modern schools, Mooroolbark College uses advancements in technology to maximise student access to learning programs.

“Compass” is the content management system used at Mooroolbark College. Accessible via the Internet from anywhere in the world 24/7. Compass is a portal through which teachers, students and parents may track and manage a student’s learning program, attendance and current events..

Parents are able to view their child’s attendance through compass and register any absences to the college. Student’s attendance is visible to all parents through compass throughout the day.

Teachers are able to place online learning resources and assessment tasks with associated due dates, so that students and parents can work in partnership with the classroom teacher to ensure that learning programs are completed on time.

Events specific to a student are entered into compass and parents have the ability to provide consent and pay for events through the secure payment gateway. Events such as camps, excursions, interschool sport and other school events can be viewed at parents’ convenience.

Twice a year the college runs parent teacher interviews, with bookings made via compass.

Reporting cycles are digital and parents can view their students’ progress via Compass. All previous reports are available to be viewed until your child leaves the college.

If you are a current parent/guardian and do not have, or have lost your Compass log-in, please contact the college for your details.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent / Student / Teacher interview are an important part of a students’ education.

The college twice a year runs Parent/Student/Teacher interviews in Term 1 and Term 3. These days are a student free day with students encouraged to attend the interviews with their parents.

Interviews run from 1pm to 8pm with interviews being 10 minutes in duration.

Interviews are booked through the compass parent portal.