The bench seats are in! Thank you to the Year 12 students who donated their time and effort into helping installing the newest additions to the school grounds. Last week 5, 2-metre bench seats were set up right near the oval, brought with the money the students raised for the Free Dress Day last semester, hosted by the SRC. Great job everyone! Be sure to go down and see them!

We are also looking forward to the beginning of the mural next week! One of our representatives so kindly has taken time and effort into crafting together 4 amazing pieces of Aboriginal artwork, which will be formed into 4 murals for each house. All the materials are brought and ready to go. We are excited for all students and teachers to get a better understanding of Aboriginal artwork, and to help us become more accepting and inclusive with the diversity in our College.

The eighth Annual Carnival Day is just 25 days away! This year the Carnival Day is on the 12th September. It is definitely one of the highlights of the year, and you won’t want to miss it! It includes a range of activities, games and food stalls. The day is for the students and teachers to become one and enjoy the fun.   There will be prizes, plenty to do, see, eat and drink. If any students, teachers or parents, know of any businesses who may be able to donate prizes or even monetary donations, please see one of our SRC Representatives or speak to Miss Cooper in Blue House. Also, if you have any ideas as to what you would like to see this year, feel free to attend a meeting in A1 next Tuesday. We can’t wait for the day and be sure to look out for the posters which will be coming soon!

We would also like to thank all students, teachers and parents who completed the SRC Canteen Survey in Insights. This information will help us further improve the school canteen, and we are working on the ideas suggested. Thank you!

“Life is too short not to celebrate the nice moments!” Have a blessed week everyone, stay safe

Thank you,
Tiani Welch-Phillips, Year 11 Green House SRC Representative