The Arts KLA has emerged from our latest period of remote learning successfully, ready to return to face to face learning and practical activities. Our students have been enjoying many varied activities this term, from using our new cameras to build photography skills, portraits in Art, making films in Media, illustration and design in VCD, keyboard and performance craft in Music, creating sculptures in Ceramics and creating characters in Drama. Many of our VCE classes are busy preparing their folios for Unit 2 and 4 assessment and are producing some amazing pieces of art. 

We are looking forward to sharing the great work our Addams Family cast, band and crew have been putting together throughout the holidays and during remote learning. Despite the date being postponed, the team are working productively and positively to produce a production. Details will be decided upon and shared very shortly.  

We have had some changes in staffing since our last report, bidding farewell to Sarah Clarke (Drama). We wish her all the best with her new role and thank her for her contributions. We welcome Sophie Morane to the team, who will be our new drama team member, Lana Jones, who will be working in Arts and Technology and also Alex Ristovski, our new Woodwind teacher. We are looking forward to working with them and their contributions to the college.   


Jordan Van Keulen
The Arts Key Learning Head