Year 7 English 

Year 7 English has just finished their study of Things a Map Won’t Show You. The last story we studied was The year King by Michael Pryor which is a fantasy story. As a creative task Ms. Farrell’s 7E created their own fantasy characters and then brought them to life at t-roll people. 


Year 11 Literature – Exploring Gothic Literature.  

As part of students’ final assessment for this unit, they were tasked with creating a folio of creative and analytical tasks that explored the genre of Gothic Literature. Students created dating profiles of key characters, developed guides on how to be a hero and constructed rewrites of sections of the text for modern readers. Here is a selection of the excellent work our students have created. 


Dating profile of Dorian Grey – Carla Hunaidi 













Modern rewrite of Dracula – Amy Oliver 


Dr Jekyll’s hero guide – Tara Barnewall 


Dr. Jekyll’s Easy Guide on How to be a Hero 

  1. Maintain a good reputation amongst the community. Remember not to go for walks late at night, and if you do, avoid trampling young children or beating important members of society, such as M.P’s, to death.
  2. Support charities and maintain a social presence. Frequent donations and invitations to small parties of friends to dinner are encouraged. Remember that long periods of seclusion with no explanation causes great concern amongst friends and colleagues.
  3. Keep silent about issues that may damage your reputation or the reputation of your friends, colleagues, and associates, and change the subject should conversation turn to undesirable topics. If you believe you have committed an act that could tarnish the reputation of your or your friends and colleagues, and it was witnessed by others, monetary checks of great value are proficient at keeping others quiet.
  4. Do not, by any means, attempt to separate the two aspects of man. The attempts will only end in death or possibly worse.


*Note: If rule 4 is breached without causing immediate death, and the elements of man are successfully separated, allowing the unjust and primitive aspect to develop its own separate person and identity, do not repeat the experience and continue switching between the remorseful and upright identity, and the unjust and primitive identity 

**Note: If rule 4 is breached multiple times and the unjust and primitive identity surfaces more and more, make sure your affairs are in order and isolate yourself in preparation for the unjust and primitive identity to fully take over and destroy the remorseful and upright identity completely 



Book – Hamnet – A rich and exploration of William Shakespeare’s early life, the wild woman he fell in love with, and her unearthly connection to the natural world. Enchanting and life affirming, perfect for a crisp Spring read! – Ms. Farrell 


TV Show – A League of Their Own – Based on the true story (and film of the same name from 1992) about the formation of a World War II-era women’s professional baseball league. An interesting and endearing look at the race and gender divisions that existed at the time. – Mrs. Broekmann 


Amy Broekmann

English Key Learning Head