House System
Student, staff and parent wellbeing is an essential feature of what forms the foundation of learning at Mooroolbark College.
College Houses
The College House structure is an essential feature of College life, located on the land of the Wurundjeri people. We acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners of the land.
The College has worked with students, parents and staff to ensure that Mooroolbark College is an inclusive environment for all our community and to acknowledge our links with Australia’s first nations people.
Using the Woi wurrung language the College has adopted the following names;
Baan (Water) Blue House – The waterways signify the creek systems that surround Mooroolbark, representing the students and their journeys to this place and once they leave this place into adulthood.
Darrang (Tree) Green House – The tree reflects the connection of the school on Wurundjeri country.
Ngawan (Sun) Yellow House – The Sun represents resilience, nurturing and all-encompassing acceptance.
Biik (Earth) Red House – Rich red earth is the foundation for our connection to country.
The College Home Groups are based on four houses which compete in sport, drama, performing arts and other co-curricular activities throughout the year.
The house structure sees the students and staff grouped vertically and in House groups Baan (Blue) House, Biik (Red) House, Ngawan (Yellow) House and Darrang (Green) House for pastoral programs and activities to support and implement aspects of the College’s pastoral care program.
Home Group teachers are responsible for the pastoral care of a specific group of students.
Cluster leaders are responsible for the wellbeing and progress of students within their three allocated Home Groups.
House leaders and Cluster leaders are responsible for the wellbeing and progress of students within the house/cluster group that they lead and for the pastoral care of the students in their House/Cluster Group as they progress from Year 7 through to Year 12.
The Assistant Principals have a special responsibility to co-ordinate and oversee pastoral care initiatives and roles within the College.
The Student Welfare Coordinator provides personal and educational counselling.
Mooroolbark College welcomes our new BAAN House Captains, Zoe Jackson and Jackson Reid, and our Middle School Captains, Vincent Kim and Tegan Barber.
We wish them all the best in their roles and know they will do an excellent job leading their College House and motivating students to achieve their best!
Darrang House prides themselves on being available to help students when they need it. The office is a space where students can go when they need to talk, ask a question or seek guidance on issues, whether they are school concerns, friendship problems or issues outside of school.
Mooroolbark College welcomes our new Green House Captains, Gemma Vallance and Mia Caruana, and our Middle School Captains, Trinity Chew and Krino Edan Sui.
We wish them all the best in their roles and know they will do an excellent job leading their College House and motivating students to achieve their best!
BIIK House prides themselves on knowing their students as well as encouraging and supporting them to get the most out of their schooling.
Mooroolbark College welcomes our new BIIK House Captains, Ritika Panwar and James Cachia, and our Middle School Captains, Mataya Schmelzle and Hollie McInnes.
We wish them all the best in their roles and know they will do an excellent job leading their College House and motivating students to achieve their best!
Our senior students take on a mentoring role to help support younger students, this is so that students have a friendly face they know out in the school yard. This mentoring role is guided by the great Home Group teachers, which students get to see each morning for advice. In addition to the senior students and staff, we also have House and Middle School Captains to mentor all students within Yellow House. This provides a great opportunity for those students to develop their leadership skills.
Mooroolbark College welcomes our new NGAWAN House Captains, Tagan Garrett and James Flewellen, and our Middle School Captains, Dean Muys and Cayley Ward.
We wish them all the best in their roles and know they will do an excellent job leading their College House and motivating students to achieve their best!