The College Swimming Sports will be held on Monday 13th February at Croydon Swimming Pool – a heated outdoor venue in Hewish Road Croydon; phone number is 9294 5630. All students are fully included in the College program and are expected to attend; no alternative program is running back at school. There is a cost of $5-00 for each student attending (who haven’t paid their school fees). This should be given to the Student Attendance Office in an envelope, with their name and form on the outside, and marked “Swimming Carnival” on the outside. Students will be bused to and from the pool from 9am and will returned by 3pm and dismissed upon arrival back at school. Parents/Guardians are asked to ensure appropriate sun protection is provided including drinks, sunscreen and hats. The canteen will be running throughout the day at the venue. Students are encouraged to come dressed in clothes with colours supporting their particular House. Students will only be dismissed from the venue if a parent or guardian picks them up and a note provided to the College during home group on the day of the swimming carnival.