School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program is a framework to create and enrich a positive and safe learning environment, that continues to enhance our school culture.

It does this by focusing on four VALUES that are taught explicitly to all students. These values have been selected through an extensive process involving various stakeholders of our College. These have included a diverse range of students, parents and staff.

Our four values are:


These values will become our common language and will support our student management system, as well as allowing for the positive recognition of students whom display certain values.

Positive Beahviour Expectations

The college has established a merit system designed to recognise both student’s achievements and positive behaviours. The system encourages students to set goals and work hard to achieve them.

Merits are issued based on one of the four Mooroolbark College school values.

  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Endeavour
  • Resilience

Merit Awards


Students need to collect five merits in each Value in order to achieve a Value Award (ie: five individual merits for Respect = Respect Value Award). To achieve a Principal’s award, students must achieve a Values Award in all four school values.


Respect Value Award


When a student achieves a Principal’s award it is acknowledged through a presentation at a college general assembly. It also earns 50 points for their house towards the prestigious House Cup.


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