Senior school at Mooroolbark College comprises years 10, 11 and 12. Students in the senior school are challenged to see beyond their secondary schooling and to be outward looking, active and responsible citizens.

Welcome to the Senior School at Mooroolbark College  

In VCE you have the opportunity to make choices about the courses of study which will help you achieve your Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or Vocational Major (VM).

The information in our Handbook will help guide you in these choices by providing information about the diverse range of programs and subjects offered.  The Vocational Education and Training (VET) opportunities as well as the VCE and VCE-VM courses are explored in detail, including outlines of what is required to be successful in each course.  A summary of each VCE unit is also outlined.

Many of the requirements of VCE/VCE-VM are set by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). The House and Pathways team, along with the VCE Coordinator are your guides to support you in choosing your course of studies.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Senior School Handbook.


Vocational Education & Training

VET courses allow students to study for a nationally accredited vocational certificate, giving students practical learning opportunities in workplace or simulated settings. 

There is sufficient flexibility to offer a broad range of teaching, learning and assessment styles in settings that require adult motivation and attitudes. VET is characterised by a high level of practical learning relating to the working environment. 

At Mooroolbark College students have access to schools in the Yarra Valley VET Cluster as well as other TAFE providers. 

The advantage of this arrangement is that students can stay enrolled in their original school while having access to a large range of vocational programs. This means students can study their VCE or VCE-VM in a familiar environment. 

Students studying a VCE-VM certificate must complete VET studies 

For a VCE student these certificates generally contribute four units towards their VCE. The contribution counts either as a study score or block credit in the calculation of the student’s ATAR. 

A sample of programs available from VET Cluster Schools and TAFE Colleges include: 

  • Certificate III in Acting 
  • Certificate II in Agriculture 
  • Certificate II in Allied Health Assistance 
  • Certificate II in Animal Care 
  • Certificate II in Auslan 
  • Certificate II in Automotive  
  • Certificate II in Beauty Services 
  • Certificate II in Building & Construction (pre- apprenticeship Bricklaying) 
  • Certificate II in Building & Construction (pre- apprenticeship Carpentry) 
  • Certificate II in Business 
  • Certificate II in Community Services 
  • Certificate II in Conservation & Eco Systems Management 
  • Certificate II in Creative Industries (Screen & Media) 
  • Certificate II in Dance 
  • Certificate III in Design Fundamentals 
  • Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care 
  • Certificate II in Electro-technology (1st Year) 
  • Certificate II in Engineering 
  • Certificate II in Equine Studies 
  • Certificate II in Furniture  
  • Certificate II in Horticulture 
  • Certificate II in Hospitality Kitchen (Cookery) 
  • Certificate III in Information Technology (Cyber Safety) – NEW 
  • Certificate III in Information Technology (Games) 
  • Certificate II in Information Technology 
  • Certificate II in Interior Decorating  
  • Certificate II in Laboratory Skills 
  • Certificate II in Land Conservation 
  • Certificate III in Music Industry  
  • Certificate II in Music – Sound Production 
  • Certificate II in Music – Performance 
  • Certificate II in Plumbing (pre apprenticeship) 
  • Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics 
  • Certificate II in Salon Assistant 
  • Certificate II in Screen and Media 
  • Certificate II in Tourism 1st Year 
  • Certificate II in Visual Arts 1st Year 
  • Certificate II in Workplace Skills 
  • Certificate II in Wine Industry – NEW 


For more information about the VET programs at Mooroolbark College, please contact?Naomi Hocking?VET Co-ordinator on (03) 9727 8100. 

Yarra Valley Vet Cluster Website

Mooroolbark College Pathways & Careers

Mooroolbark College has a team of Pathways Advisors who provide many services to students from Years 7-12.

We assist our students to make informed decisions about their future pathways.  We understand that students have different talents and interests and encourage them to explore the multitude of options available to them.

A comprehensive careers program is delivered to all students between Years 9 and 12 including careers counselling throughout the year, vocational testing, guest speakers on Pathways days, careers bulletins and a Tertiary Information Service excursion.

The Pathways room is a well-resourced facility open to all students. A wide range of resources include University and TAFE booklets, brochures, pamphlets, DVDs, the Job Guide and other books are available for student use.

Features of career services and programs

  • Career Action Plans are commenced in Year 9 and updated annually.
  • Year 10 students all undertake the unit “Work Related Skills” a program that gives students the skills to gain knowledge and make informed decisions in order to select appropriate pathways for senior years and life beyond the College.
  • Students are exposed to and guided through career awareness and use of programs such as Career Voyage and My Future
  • Work Experience and Structured Work Placement are organised when required for students in Years 10-12.  In Year 10, all students participate in Work Experience for the last week of Term 2.
  • Managed Individual Pathways Initiative (MIPS) provides students with ongoing assistance in individual pathway planning and subject choices
  • Year 12 students are individually counselled in post school options including University, TAFE and employment options and are provided with assistance and guided through the VTAC process.
  • Regular, updated career news is available on the Mooroolbark Pathways website.
  • Access to a huge range of Vocational Education Training (VET) programs in Years 10-12 with programs available through Yarra Valley VET Cluster and TAFE providers.
  • Extensive support for exiting and exited students
  • Outstanding rates of tertiary placements