The current Year 7 and 9 students have spent the last two weeks completing their NAPLAN assessments. For the first time at the college, this has been completed online. As teachers, we have been extremely impressed with the focus, confidence and positive attitude our students have displayed across this assessment period. We are confident the results of these assessments will help inform teaching practice at the college, so we can support our students better in the next steps in their educational journey. 



Year 10 and 11 students have been using classes preparing for their upcoming end of semester exams which are being held in Week 7. These assessments offer students a vital opportunity to develop important study and revision techniques, refine their time management strategies and to apply the knowledge they have developed across the semester. We wish all the Year 10 and 11 students good luck with their semester exams and trust that they will find them a valuable learning experience. 


Directors of Curriculum, 

Lachlan Mann & Matthew Donald