As we near the of Term 4, Languages are trying to make sure classes end the school year on a positive and consistent note for students. 

CATs have been completed and students rewarded for their excellent recent work. This has included Monster Posters in Year 7 and Uniform Posters in Year 8. A few Year 8 samples have been included and so we must again congratulate Tilly Gange, Madi Carratelli and Ava Hosie of Year 8 for their outstanding submissions, whose work can be seen in this newsletter. Yet, there were so many excellent designs and posters – this is just a small sample.  

Unfortunately, it is also one of our roles as teachers to follow up on overdue work. Failing is not meant to be an easy option, and we are running catch up classes to get students the chance to complete work to a satisfactory standard, to stop them from receiving an N result for the subject for the semester.  

Additionally, Club 3/4 on Thursday gives students the chance to seek extra help. We always make sure we check in every week for consistency and in order to connect with students there. 

While we take much care to make sure all the CAT marks are entered correctly, sometimes a minor mis-entry can occur, especially if work is submitted late. We request that all students carefully check their CAT results and comments to make sure they are accurate reflections of their submitted work. We frequently remind learners to check and double check, so that parents receive accurate feedback on reports. 

With the reports almost complete and all CATs submitted, our final tasks revolve around cultural investigations of Germany and China. In Year 7 the focus is on regions and seasonal (e.g. Christmas) celebration. Meanwhile, our Year 8s are investigating more detailed topics such as Divided Germany & the Berlin Wall. It’s wonderful to see so many students start to become more historically, culturally and geographically aware. Language has always been a vehicle to help understand the wider world and watching students in this way begin to get ‘the big picture’ is a proud moment for every educator and an asset to any student. 

So, if the achievements and activities of 2022 are anything to go by, 2023 should be even better! We are looking forward to seeing our learners back next year and wish you all a very merry Christmas and a safe holiday. 



Jonas Bahlo, Yi Jiang, Jiaqi Tan, Jordan Van Keulen

Languages KLA