The Pseudonym Group (TPG) 


Pseudonym (noun) – A fictitious name, especially one used by an author.  
For this edition of the Mooroolbark College newsletter, Literacy and the students within the school have a very special treat that we are both proud and excited for.   

Brand new to the school and advertised on our social media accounts is The Pseudonym Group. This is an opt-in writer group for both students and teachers that allows writers and visual artists to display their wonderful work under the mysterious guise of a pen name. We hope this helps reduce the worry some may have of putting their name out to the public for their very personal pieces of writing and artwork.  

This edition offers an introduction to some of our members, their inspiration for their name and the type of writing they hope to display throughout the year and beyond along with some featured artists and writers. We are super excited for what is to come so stay tuned! 



This name came to me as it reminded me of my childhood show that I grew up on and always compared myself to this character. I started writing around 11 as I was given a task on it. I used to love reading books, but that passion developed into the writing stage I am at now. I want to be able to show off to more people my work and the joy of reading something that can create images in their minds. I’d write about romance or horror. 

Who really cares?

Derived from my favourite album from one of my favourite bands, TV Girl. The first time I ever really let anyone read anything I wrote was during a competition my school was included in, I wrote a silly little story which, admittedly, is very embarrassing but it got published into the book which contained all the stories and poems written by students during the competition. I really enjoy writing stories including horror or mystery elements, or fantasy/dystopian worlds, but I would really like to try others. Maybe something like women’s fiction, or even a period drama. 

The is inspired from one of my favourite shows (Anne with an e), a show that really motivates me to continue my writing. During primary school I found it quite hard to communicate with others and found reading and writing difficult as I was not sure what my interests were. Recently I have felt I have been really improving from where it was, an empty page to what I have now. I would describe my writing style as expressive, and abstract compared to others. 

Rie is kind of a name I’ve been going by online for about a year now, so I suppose it does have some emotional connection to me. If I had the opportunity to, I might change my name to Ame, it has some meaning since it’s the Japanese word ‘rain’, and my comfort weather is rain. I don’t necessarily write long stories I prefer short straight to the point stories. Honestly, I write anything, I can write almost any genre, and it’s quite fun! 


Reverie is a word meaning a state of dreamy meditation; a daydream. I chose it because all of my works have started from a daydream I’ve had at any given time, and I thought it was fitting. I have been coming up with stories and writing since before primary school, and most of it has just been shared with one close friend. I enjoy writing a mix of horror, romance and fantasy, and hope to incorporate all three into most of my pieces. While at the beginning my works will vary, I hope to write many short stories that end up starring the same group of characters.? 

I’m just a misunderstood kid like some. A huge fan of pixel games, like Undertale and one shot and enjoy throwing myself into novels that I can spend hours reading and losing myself in the world of the book. As Dexian, I intend to express myself with my peers, giving advice, motivation, and reassuring others. 



Lunisolar Jester 
I, the Lunisolar Jester have always had a passion for drawing and art. It is always something for me to work on and feel very positive afterwards. I have loved drawing ever since my dawn of time. I create art pieces about characters that can tell a million words and many stories, all in one picture. All it takes to make the story is imagination of the reader, and of course the art of the artist. 


Pippi L 
My name is based on Pippi Longstockings and a few other more personal references. I love to write poems, but struggle with keeping my stories short. They tend to become novels. I generally write fantasy novels.? I have always loved writing and hop tot be an author someday. 
Moon-lit Murder

The air was cold, but no breath steamed it. The path was gravel, but no footprints could be seen and though the night was silent he made not a noise. He slipped from shadow to shadow, a wraith. The only trace he had ever been there was the slight lingering scent of gunpowder.

From within the folds of his black cloak, his gloved hand withdrew a knife. The blade was long and curved, silver glinting harshly in the soft moonlight. He bypassed the door as though it were open.? 

For any normal man, the floorboards may have creaked beneath his weight. But the black cloaked figure was no normal man. He paused briefly at the threshold to the bedroom, but he plunged forward with little more hesitation. He reached the bed and his knife plunged down in a cold final ark.

Her death came for her before she could wake.


Nita Handwriting 

My pseudonym I have a love for puns and the fact that my handwriting is not very neat. I grew to love writing in primary school and couldn’t stop wanting to create stories after that. Poems were one of my favourite things to write but I always wanted to write adventure or fantasy novels. I hope you enjoy the stories I write! 

An empty road of war, no signs of any hope. 
Couldn’t stop rage before, without it we can’t cope. 
Had an idea of peace, but only was it an illusion. 
Wish I could steal a piece, of a humane and harmonious fusion. 
Take away the dreams, us young suffer. 
Pulled apart at the seams, as our freedoms start to buffer. 
Before they emerge from the shadows and set our world aflame. 
Before we dig the trenches and start the worldwide game. 
Can we sit in silence, just one more time? 
Make a happy memory before we cross the line? 
Hold onto hope and love, grip it forever tight. 
Watch the stars shining down on us, smiling in the night. 
Before the suffering and sorrow, before our rage is unhinged. 
Can we be one again? Before the war begins.