Welcome back to Term 3! In Mathematics, our Year 7-10 classes will have a focus on Measurement and Geometry this term, whilst our VCE students are working hard learning their Unit 2 and 4 content. 

Celebrating Student Learning Growth in Year 7 – 9 

At the end of Semester 1, our Year 7-9 students completed their Number and Algebra On Demand Post-test. This allowed students and staff to examine the learning growth shown by students over Term 1 and 2. It was fantastic to see so much growth! 



If a student did not experience as much growth as expected, here are some ideas to help support them as they continue developing their skills: 

  • Monitoring their attendance. It is vitally important that students are present in class! If they are absent due to illness, sport or other reasons, it is important that the student reaches out to their classroom teacher to find out what was covered. As Mathematics skills progress each year, they are putting themselves at risk of falling behind if they do not catch up on missed work. 
  • Completing regular homework. This allows students time to practice the concepts covered in class. Being exposed to the questions multiple times helps to build fluency. 
  • Asking the teacher for help. It is important that if students are having trouble understanding a concept that they ask for assistance. They could also attend Club 34 after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays to get extra assistance and complete work with their peers. 

Classes have recently completed their Pre-test on Measurement and Geometry so I look forward to celebrating more learning growth later in the year. 


Creativity in Numeracy 

One of our Year 7 students, Shayla Jordan, showed her creative flair during a recent Numeracy Lesson. Shayla produced this beautiful (and very detailed!) coordinate point drawing whilst learning about the Cartesian Plane. She then listed each point so that someone else could recreate her masterpiece. What a fantastic effort Shayla! 


Mathematics Pathways 

Did you know that there is a new VCE Study Design for Mathematics and for the VCE Vocational Major (VCE-VM Numeracy) this year?  To help better understand the many different pathways that students can take on their Mathematics journey, please see the flowchart below. 



If students have questions about their Mathematics journey they can speak to their House Pathways Leader or contact Mrs Salmon in the Maths Office or on Teams. 


Kara Salmon