2023 is nearly at an end and, while the Languages Department is already busy finalising assessments and organising reports, that does not mean we don’t have marvelous classroom events to reflect upon! 

Most recently, for the Mooroolbark College Night of Excellence, Languages were able to welcome a large group of parents and other visitors to the library and show them the department’s best German poster submissions; colourful Chinese lanterns; student timetable translations; and, of course, the display that turned most heads: The Education Perfect World Championships Certificates. This display included three Elite awards from earlier in the year, something we have never had before, despite 2023 being a year where a public holiday affected our overall results. Meanwhile, in the Discovery Centre, our Year 7 students proudly displayed their ‘Ich’ and ‘Gesucht’ Posters along with all their Chinese work. For the students who could make it on the night, it rightly filled them with much pride to see their best work on display. Congratulations one and all!  

Also to be commended are our Year 7 students who recently submitted their ‘Gesucht’ posters. These posters were part of an Oral assessment and students thoroughly enjoyed showing off their pets and pretending they had gone missing. It is incredible to think that students who knew no German at the start of 2023 are now able to maintain an exchange, answering a series of at least ten randomly structured questions and confidently answer these in complete, accurate and, moreover, clearly understandable responses. When something is unclear, students may ask to have questions repeated, but all this is done in the target language, evidencing their ability to adapt and improve.  

As it is almost the end of the year, we should use this opportunity to remind everyone that we do have a duty to see students submit work for assessment. Please check Compass regularly to see that the records there are correct. While we endeavor to keep these records up to date, sometimes, especially when work is submitted after the due date, details may need to be updated. If a record appears not to have been updated, please contact us, so that the correct information is entered. As a note to our parents of Year 7 students who have their first child at the college, the CAT comments are those that appear on the reports. 

We hope that the coming weeks will not be too stressful, but we do wish to remind parents and students that, if they do have any questions or concerns, help is always available. Feel free to contact us via Teams or email.


Jonas Bahlo