Welcome back to Term 4. Term 4 is always an extremely busy term with exams for Years 9 to 12, Awards Night, the Year 12 Final Assembly, course confirmation and much more. Therefore, it is important to ensure that parents/guardians and students remain up to date via Compass Newsfeed and regularly check their nominated email address as these are the main methods of communication with families. If you are unsure of either your Compass log in or what email address you have supplied to the College please make contact urgently. It is always distressing when students miss key dates as a result of not being adequately up to date with communication.

This is our last weeks with our Year 12 students. This current group of Year 12 students are a wonderful group of young adults who have made an outstanding contribution to the College over the last 6 years. As a group they have been actively involved in all aspects of the College including sport, College productions and contributing the SRC. I would like to particularly thank our 2016 College Captains, Sean Frost and Courtney Brown for their support of the College this year and acknowledge their outstanding leadership. I also wish to recognise the College House Captains, Isabelle Conlan, Lachlan Williams-Dyson, Katie Herft, Tegan Quck, Hayden Thompson, Melanie Pauer, Tristan Davies and Kirra Abrehart who have contributed to their respective Houses over the last 12 months. And finally I wish to thank Paris Hindby for her outstanding work as SRC President.