On Wednesday 14 October the 2019 Year 9 Duke of Ed team ventured to Wilsons Prom for our annual qualifying journey.  We had amazing weather and saw terrific determination, respect and resilience.  Everyone covered between 32 and 44 km’s of hiking over the 3 days – climbing Mt Oberon, heading to pillar point and Squeaky Beach and hiking to Sealers and Refuge Cove. An amazing effort.  We made friends with the usual wombats, possums and wallaby’s, and we even saw a Tiger Snake this year for the first time!  Congrats to all for getting through and thanks once again (as they do every year) to Jordan Van Kuelen and Jade Hubben for giving up 2 full nights of their time to complete this phenomenal journey with us.  We really appreciate it!

Luke McCormick
VCE Coordinator
Physical Education and Health
Duke of Edinburgh & Talented Sports Program