The return to school is here for some and fast approaching for others with our Year 11 and 12 students back and our Year 7 and 10 to return on Tuesday 9th June.

With the return of face to face teaching we are shifting our focus from “How will our students cope with remote learning?” to “How will our students cope returning to school?”

Whilst we know that many students are excited to be coming back, we also know that many students are feeling heightened anxiety about returning to school, especially those students who have found it difficult to get work done at home.

As the College, we will be putting time and thought, over coming weeks, into how we support all our students on their return. During Home Group we will be asking students to share their thoughts on remote learning/ returning and talk with each other about their own experiences, thoughts, celebrations and fears. You might also want to ask your child to reflect on these questions:

  1. What do you think you did well during remote learning?
  2. What do you think you struggled with the most during remote learning?
  3. What are you most looking forward to about returning to school?
  4. What are your most worried about returning to school?
  5. Out of the four school values (Resilience, Respect, Compassion or Endeavour)   which one do you think you demonstrated the most during remote learning?


Other organisations within are also looking at the best way to support students returning to school.

The Parent Website

This is an excellent resource from ‘The Parents Website’ that gives advice on preparing your child to return to normal schooling.                                                                                                    anxious kids return to school                                                                                                      


 anxious kids return to school

The Resilience Project

The Resilience has provided resources to help young people focus their thinking on the values of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy, all important qualities as we prepare to return to school. Research shows that practising these daily will help you feel happier and more resilient. The website contains a “Parent & Carer information page” to help parents get their child engaged with the online activities.


Smiling Mind

The smiling mind app is also another resource for students who are experiencing anxiety or would like to practice mindfulness. Very easy to use with dozens of mindfulness meditations that are designed to have an immediate impact.

It is also important to remember that school on return won’t be the same as school before Covid 19. On return we will need to continue social distancing and hygiene practices to stop the spread of the Corona Virus. This will include things like not having assemblies, minimizing mixing across year levels, no sharing of personal equipment or food, everyone must BYO drink bottles and hand sanitizer etc. It will take some getting used to.

Naturally welfare support for your child continues through the final week of remote learning and on return to school. So if your child is feeling overwhelmed by school, life events or even the general stresses of life, then don’t hesitate to contact your child’s coordinator, or the College Wellbeing team so we can help reduce the pressure on them.  

Again, we are here to support you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

  • John Nichol Student Wellbeing Coordinator
  • Gill Van Der Ende   College Chaplain (Available Tuesday and Wednesday)


Mr. John Nichol

Mooroolbark College Student Wellbeing Coordinator