Our Year 7 English students have been busy writing colour poems this term. They thought carefully about the emotions associated with their colour and its connections to the natural and man-made world. We are so proud of the insightful poems they have created! 


Grey is the storm clouds, dominating the sky, 
And the smoke issuing from the factory. 
It is the reflection of dull buildings in the puddles. 
Will the rain ever stop? 
Grey is the stone that you trip over, 
And the hard concrete you land on. 
Grey means the all-consuming darkness, 
Expanding inside of you. 
Grey is the fur of the rats, as they scurry down the drains with the rainwater, 
And the sewer where they are headed. 
Grey is the feeling that the clouds will never move,  
And the sun will forever remain hidden, 
But also, the recognition that although it seems impossible, 
The sun will shine again. 



Orange is the sun descending from the sky 
Like a fire ball crashing down. 
Orange is like a fire 
Is it cold outside? 
Orange is fizzy and bubbly like Fanta 
And warm and comforting like a campfire 
Orange is a red panda 
With a big orange coat.
Orange is flames and orange tulips in the sun, 
And happy kids playing around in the sun. 
Orange is happy and refreshing 
With a bucket full of confidence. 



Black is the colour you wear at funerals 
And there are those who are crying. 
It is a room filled with darkness 
Are you scared? 
Black is the colour of my cat 
Who gives me bad luck. 
Black means someone’s sadness 
And broken hearts. 
It is the sky at night 
And hatred 
Black makes me feel sad 
And lonely. 

Sarah Garnaut
English KLA Leader