Remote Learning meant that many of us spent long hours each day staring at a computer screen. So right in the middle of it all, we devoted a whole day to self care and looking after our mental health, a day to take a breath. Straight after Homegroup on Thursday May 14th the whole Mooroolbark College community of staff and students all went their separate ways to indulge in something that improved their physical and mental well being. For some, that was a walk or exercise, an afternoon nap, whilst for others it was time on the PlayStation or doing something with family members. In the midst of the most unusual school term we have ever experienced, it was nice to take a breath.

Welcome back to our Year 7s.
It was great to welcome back our Year 7s after not seeing them for the past eleven weeks.
For them the transition back was doubly difficult, after only having attended nine weeks of school before we went into Remote Learning.
We spent the first part of the returning day helping them renew friendships, reflect on their time away, share their experience and discuss what new resilience skills they had learnt. Activities included an Isolation Bingo, developing an isolation survival kit and a scavenger hunt across the whole year level.
It was heartening to see them back and have their energy in the classroom once again.