So it’s back to Remote Learning for Mooroolbark College. We have hit the ground running in the Mathematics KLA; Week 1 of Term 3 has been filled with collaborative planning for Phase 2 and the welcoming back of our senior students. 

Taking on feedback from Remote Learning of last term, we have made some changes this time around. Year 7-10 students will be meeting with their Maths teachers twice a week for 30 minutes, where they will be asked to engage in a variety of activities which will challenge their measurement and geometry skills. Get your rulers ready! Your bedroom floor, dinner plate or family car tyres could be your next mathematical subject of investigation!  

In Year 7, we are adding an element of student responsibility and learning independence as each Year 7 student will be guided into selecting their own learning goals. They will then be spending some time each week working towards achieving their personal Maths goal.  

Numeracy tasks will still be available every fortnight and are optional for students to participate in to challenge their critical thinking and problem solving skills. These can be found in the Compass Learning tasks. 

During Term 3 Remote Learning we will again be running our virtual Maths Club ¾ so if you, or your son/daughter, needs some extra assistance in Maths please ask your Maths teacher to add you to the Microsoft Teams Meeting. This will run on Thursday afternoons and be a great opportunity to ask all the questions you like and get some extra help with your weekly Maths work. 

We are welcoming the new rules when using Microsoft Teams that cameras are now allowed. We think that this will make us all feel a little more connected and closer to feeling, as if we were in the classroom together. If you’re in doubt, the Mooroolbark College Polo shirt/jumper and the home office or kitchen table is the best setup for our students and teachers. We hope all students are feeling more comfortable and confident in this second phase of Remote Learning, as our teachers certainly are! 

Jade Hubben

Mathematics Co-ordinator