English as an Additional Language (EAL)

The EAL program at Mooroolbark College supports students and families who speak a language other than English at home.  We provide both academic and communication support for families. 

The EAL team consists of Charlie Chaturapornkul (EAL Coordinator), Sarah Awi (Multicultural education aide – Hakha Chin) and Alisa Hammersley (EAL assistant). 

An EAL learner is defined as someone who has lived in Australia for less than 7 years, and their main language spoken at home is not English. At present we have 50 EAL learners, however, our support extends beyond this group to many more families in our school community. Support continues to even be available to students who have lived here more than 7 years.  

Our program runs an EAL Home Group once a week, which has moved to TEAMS during Remote Learning. This Home Group provides a place for students to request extra help, for staff to check in with students, and to give information to students about things happening in the school/community. 

Students are also given academic assistance through in-class support, differentiated curriculum and assistance with their homework when needed.  

Charlie Chaturapornkul

EAL Coordinator