Welcome to 2023! Its been great to see a mix of new and old faces at the College and to hear all about the holidays. One of the strengths of Mooroolbark College is the sense of community that has been formed through relationship building. The wellbeing team has been busy supporting students and programs at the school.  

Our Year 12’s took part in a Wellbeing Seminar with a focus on proactive mental wellbeing strategies. Each student was resourced with a mental health action plan, a motivation tool, and a circles of control activity. We hope that students find these tools useful as they navigate their final year of schooling.  

It was fantastic to see some of 2022’s graduate class back to support the Year 7 students in their transition to secondary schooling. It can be difficult navigating a new school with different peers and teachers. We commend our Year 7’s on their resilience in managing the change and thank our past students for welcoming our new students into the community – we can’t wait to see where your endeavours take you! 

Speaking of welcoming students, we have had an influx of enrolments across the school. The wellbeing team has held a welcome lunch for all enrolments from Year 8 – 11 who are new to the college. Here we were able to answer an array of questions like ‘who do I see for a uniform pass’ and ‘what is the best food at the canteen’. It was a pleasure to see the relationships forming between peers and the compassion that they showed one another. 

Our college unequivocally has a strong connection to the Chin community. We delight in sharing celebrations for Chin National Day – which was on Sunday 20th of February. The homegroups ran a competition which resulted in winners receiving a bag of lollies. We thank the canteen for organising a special treat for our Chin students! 

We have a fantastic team of support for students who need a helping hand. Below are some faces that you may see.  


Please note that the amazing Mr Nichol is on leave for Term One. We wish Mr Nichol all the best galivanting across Antarctica and South America – I’m sure we will hear all about his fantastic travels when he is back. In the meantime, you can come and talk to me, Miss Coghlan. I’ll be in Darrang House.  

What a great start to the year! 
Sarah Coghlan